2,281 research outputs found

    Comprehensive experimental analysis of nonlinear dynamics in an optically-injected semiconductor laser

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    We present the first comprehensive experimental study, to our knowledge, of the routes between nonlinear dynamics induced in a semiconductor laser under external optical injection based on an analysis of time-averaged measurements of the optical and RF spectra and phasors of real-time series of the laser output. The different means of analysis are compared for several types of routes and the benefits of each are discussed in terms of the identification and mapping of the nonlinear dynamics. Finally, the results are presented in a novel audio/video format that describes the evolution of the dynamics with the injection parameters. © 2011 Author(s)

    Polarization and time-resolved dynamics of a 1550-nm VCSEL subject to orthogonally polarized optical injection

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    We report a first experimental study of the simultaneous temporal and polarization-resolved dynamics of a 1550-nm vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) subject to orthogonally polarized optical injection. A novel technique is used to reveal the behavior of both polarizations at the VCSEL's output. In general, the same type of dynamics can be seen in both polarizations of the fundamental transverse mode but with unequal intensity/modulation depth. We show that both polarizations exhibit period one and chaotic dynamics and reveal antiphase dynamics. These results offer promise for the development of dual-channel, anticorrelated periodic and chaotic-signal generators with a single VCSEL for use as oscillators or chaotic sources in present and future optical networks

    Dynamics of laterally-coupled pairs of spin-VCSELs

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    A newly-developed normal mode model of laser dynamics in a generalised array of waveguides is applied to extend the spin-flip model (SFM) to pairs of evanescently-coupled spin-VCSELS. The effect of high birefringence is explored, revealing new dynamics and regions of bistability. It is shown that optical switching of the polarisation states of the lasers may be controlled through the optical pump and that, under certain conditions, the polarisation of one laser may be switched by controlling the intensity and polarisation in the other

    Optical neuron using polarisation switching in a 1550nm-VCSEL

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    We report a new approach to mimic basic functionalities of a neuron using a 1550 nm Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser (VCSEL) which is based on the polarisation switching (PS) that can be induced in these devices when subject to polarised optical injection. Positive and negative all-optical threshold operations are demonstrated experimentally using external optical injection into the two orthogonal polarizations of the fundamental transverse mode. The polarisation of the light emitted by the device is used to determine the state of the VCSEL-Neuron, active (orthogonal) or inactive (parallel). This approach forms a new way to reproduce optically the response of a neuron to an excitatory and an inhibitory stimulus. © 2010 Optical Society of America

    Tunable microwave signal generator with an optically-injected 1310nm QD-DFB laser

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    Tunable microwave signal generation with frequencies ranging from below 1 GHz to values over 40 GHz is demonstrated experimentally with a 1310nm Quantum Dot (QD) Distributed-Feedback (DFB) laser. Microwave signal generation is achieved using the period 1 dynamics induced in the QD DFB under optical injection. Continuous tuning in the positive detuning frequency range of the quantum dot's unique stability map is demonstrated. The simplicity of the experimental configuration offers promise for novel uses of these nanostructure lasers in Radio-over-Fiber (RoF) applications and future mobile networks. © 2013 Optical Society of America

    Polarization Responses of a Solitary and Optically Injected Vertical Cavity Spin Laser

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    The polarisation properties of a quantum well spin - vertical cavity surface emitting laser (spin - VCSEL), both without injection and with variable polarisation optical injection, are investigated experimentally and compared with the spin flip model (SFM). Without injection, we demonstrate two distinct types of VCSEL-pump response depending on the signs of the linewidth enhancement factor, birefringence and dichroism: firstly where the pump and VCSEL have the same sign of the ellipticity, and secondly where the VCSEL ellipticity, accompanied by the linear polarisation, switches sign. We show that by controlling the injected power, ellipticity or linear angle, near circular polarisation can be obtained. These responses both give insight into the electro-optical injected spin-VCSEL system, and have practical implications for the use of spin VCSELs in unique applications exploiting the ellipticity degree of freedom

    A first-in-human, randomized, controlled, subject- and reviewer-blinded multicenter study of Actamax™ Adhesion Barrier

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    Purpose: Post-surgical adhesions remain a significant concern following abdominopelvic surgery. This study was to assess safety, manageability and explore preliminary efficacy of applying a degradable hydrogel adhesion barrier to areas of surgical trauma following gynecologic laparoscopic abdominopelvic surgery. Methods: This first-in-human, prospective, randomized, multicenter, subject- and reviewer-blinded clinical study was conducted in 78 premenopausal women (18–46 years) wishing to maintain fertility and undergoing gynecologic laparoscopic abdominopelvic surgery with planned clinically indicated second-look laparoscopy (SLL) at 4–12 weeks. The first two patients of each surgeon received hydrogel, up to 30 mL sprayed over all sites of surgical trauma, and were assessed for safety and application only (n = 12). Subsequent subjects (n = 66) were randomized 1:1 to receive either hydrogel (Treatment, n = 35) or not (Control, n = 31); 63 completed the SLL. Results: No adverse event was assessed as serious, or possibly device related. None was severe or fatal. Adverse events were reported for 17 treated subjects (17/47, 36.2%) and 13 Controls (13/31, 41.9%). For 95.7% of treated subjects, surgeons found the device “easy” or “very easy” to use; in 54.5%, some residual material was evident at SLL. For 63 randomized subjects who completed the SLL, adjusted between-group difference in the change from baseline adhesion score demonstrated a 41.4% reduction for Treatment compared with Controls (p = 0.017), with a 49.5% reduction (p = 0.008) among myomectomy subjects (n = 34). Conclusion: Spray application of a degradable hydrogel adhesion barrier during gynecologic laparoscopic abdominopelvic surgery was performed easily and safely, without evidence of clinically significant adverse outcomes. Data suggest the hydrogel was effective in reducing postoperative adhesion development, particularly following myomectomy

    Optically-pumped dilute nitride spin-VCSEL

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    We report the first room temperature optical spin-injection of a dilute nitride 1300 nm vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) under continuous-wave optical pumping. We also present a novel experimental protocol for the investigation of optical spin-injection with a fiber setup. The experimental results indicate that the VCSEL polarization can be controlled by the pump polarization, and the measured behavior is in excellent agreement with theoretical predictions using the spin flip model. The ability to control the polarization of a long-wavelength VCSEL at room temperature emitting at the wavelength of 1.3 μm opens up a new exciting research avenue for novel uses in disparate fields of technology ranging from spintronics to optical telecommunication networks. © 2012 Optical Society of America

    60 Validated Planets from K2 Campaigns 5-8

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    We present a uniform analysis of 155 candidates from the second year of NASA's K2K2 mission (Campaigns 5-8), yielding 60 statistically validated planets spanning a range of properties, with median values of RpR_p = 2.5 RR_\oplus, PP = 7.1 d, TeqT_\mathrm{eq} = 811 K, and JJ = 11.3 mag. The sample includes 24 planets in 11 multi-planetary systems, as well as 18 false positives, and 77 remaining planet candidates. Of particular interest are 18 planets smaller than 2 RR_\oplus, five orbiting stars brighter than JJ = 10 mag, and a system of four small planets orbiting the solar-type star EPIC 212157262. We compute planetary transit parameters and false positive probabilities using a robust statistical framework and present a complete analysis incorporating the results of an intensive campaign of high resolution imaging and spectroscopic observations. This work brings the K2K2 yield to over 360 planets, and by extrapolation we expect that K2K2 will have discovered \sim600 planets before the expected depletion of its on-board fuel in late 2018.Comment: 33 pages, 13 figures, 5 tables, accepted for publication in A

    Spiking Behaviour in Laterally-Coupled Pairs of VCSELs With Applications in Neuromorphic Photonics

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    We report a theoretical study on laterally-coupled pairs of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) operated under conditions that generate or suppress high-speed optical spiking regimes, and show their potential in exemplar functionalities for use in photonic neuromorphic computing systems. The VCSEL numerical analysis is based on a system of five coupled mode equations, which, for the case of weak coupling, are reduced to a set of three equations that predict the saddle-node stability boundary in terms of device parameters and operating conditions. These results guide numerical simulation to demonstrate multiple neuron-like dynamics, including single- and multiple-spike emission, spiking inhibition, and rebound spiking directly in the optical domain. Importantly, these behaviours are obtained at sub-nanosecond rates, hence multiple orders of magnitude faster than the millisecond timescales of biological neurons. The mechanisms responsible are explained by reference to appropriate phase portraits. The coupled VCSELs model is then used for demonstration of high-speed, all-optical digital-to-spiking encoding and for representation of digital image data using rate-coded spike trains